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M Train Mobile Doctor of Physical Theapy


  • Do you take insurance?
    No. As a private-pay, mobile Doctor of Physical Therapy payment is not accepted from ANY insurance. Payment is due at time of service. We are and out-of-network provider for ALL SERVICES and an invoice can be provided. We are not Medicare providers. If you are a Medicare beneficiary and would like to receive our services or have questions, please contact us! Cash, check, credit card or electronic payments are accepted.
  • How far do you travel?
    Rates vary depending on drive time and location. Please see map.
  • Do you bring a treatment table or other equipment?
    Yes. A treatment table is available. In addition, all neccessary equipment needed for our session will be provided. When appropriate, utilization of our revolutionary "Mobile Therapy Gym" provides state of the art items to support recovery and advance your program.
  • I am traveling from out of town (including another state or country), can I schedule an appointment with Dr. Marino? "
    Absolutely. Dr. Marino sees patients and clients from around the globe. Also, if your insurance "back home" requires an invoice for reimbursement that will happily be provided to you.
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